Thursday, September 30, 2010

Next Steps

Though I'm still basking in having finished four months of chemo, there's still much to be done. Here's an outline of next steps;

  • 10/5 - Consult with the surgeon in preparation for the ileostomy reversal, commonly called the 'takedown'.
  • 10/7 - Testing of anastomosis. This basically verifies that I don't have any colon blockages or leaks as a result of the first surgery, which would impede the takedown. Once again, I'll be bare-assed on a table with a bunch of strangers. This from the chick who changes in a bathroom stall in the gym locker room and never peed in front of even her best girlfriends.
  • 10/12 - PET/CT scan. Technically, they'll give me an IV of a tracer, a slightly radioactive glucose, wait an hour and then scan me. Any area of the body with abnormally high metabolic activity (cancer) would have a higher glucose intake, so the tracer will be highly attracted to those areas and would show up on that scan. But I know this house is clean!
  • 10/14 - Review results of the scan with my oncologist.
  • 10/14 (Evening) - Substantial intake of really good champagne.
  • 10/25 - Takedown surgery, which will keep me in the hospital about three days and home on leave about four weeks. Even after less than six months with the ostomy, this will be a slow recovery as my colon remembers how it is supposed to work...I'm told it will likely be a year before I really feel 'normal'. Still, Mommy's 'boo-boo' will be no more.
  • TBD - Port removal.
  • February, 2011 to October, 2015 - For the first three years, I've have an annual CT scan, with blood work every three months. Years four and five I'll have blood work every six months, with an annual scan. And for the rest of my life I can look forward to colonoscopies every two years...

Despite the fact that there's some really rough stuff in the plan, I'm OK with it all. Everything up to this point was about killing the cancer inside me - everything from this point forward is intended to make me whole, help me recover and move on, and get back to just being me.


  1. Awesome news Keely! We'll be following
    your steps from NY - always thinking
    of you with lots of love and prayers. xoxo

  2. Damn Keel..two posts in the same week! See...I told you I really check daily. I am so happy to hear there is an end in sight. I'll be sure to drink some champagne in your honor and toast to you on the 14th=) Luv ya Kane
